A West Australian man is expected to appear in Northbridge Magistrates Court on September 21, charged with two online child abuse material offences.
The Western Australia Joint Anti-Child Exploitation Team (WA JACET) arrested and charged the man, 32, yesterday (20 September 2024) after receiving a report from the Australian Border Force (ABF) about a user accessing and transmitting child abuse material online.
ABF officers at Perth International Airport allegedly found child abuse material on the man’s mobile phone after he landed on a flight from Denpasar, Bali, yesterday. The matter was then referred to the WA JACET team.
Officers from ABF and the WA JACET, comprising members from the AFP and Western Australia Police Force, allegedly linked the man to the illegal online activity.
A search of the man’s electronic devices allegedly uncovered child abuse material.
The man was subsequently charged with Possessing child exploitation material, contrary to section 474.22A Criminal Code 1995 (Cth); and Accessing child exploitation material, contrary to section 474.22(1) Criminal Code 1995 (Cth).
The maximum penalty for these offences is 15 years’ imprisonment.
AFP Detective Superintendent Peter Chwal said the AFP worked closely with domestic and international partners, such as ABF, to help protect children.
“Our investigators work tirelessly to identify offenders to ensure they are prosecuted,” Det Supt Chwal said. “Our message to online offenders has not changed – if you procure, access and transmit child abuse material, you will be found, arrested and prosecuted. Whether the crime is committed in Australia or overseas – the AFP is committed to ensuring vulnerable children are not exploited or victimised.”
ABF Superintendent Aviation Operations Vesna Gavranich said ABF officers worked tirelessly at the front line of Australia’s border at international airports to protect children, both here and overseas, from child abuse and exploitation.