U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested an East African man following his confinement for sexual assault and failure to comply with sex offender registration requirements.
Officers with ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Dallas Field Office arrested Uqbasilassie Kiflemariam, 40, a citizen of Eritrea and convicted sex offender, on February 7.
On September 12, 2013, the Broken Arrow, Oklahoma Police Department apprehended Kiflemariam, charging him with rape.
The Tulsa County District Court convicted Kiflemariam of three counts of rape in the first degree on February 19, 2014. He was sentenced to 10 years of confinement with sex offender registration requirements.
On July 5, 2022, an immigration judge ordered Kiflemariam removed from the United States. The Kaufman County Sheriff’s Office arrested Kiflemariam for failure to comply with sex offender registration requirements on February 20, 2024.
Kiflemariam will remain in ICE custody pending his removal to Eritrea.
“The importance surrounding the arrest and pending removal of this individual highlights our commitment to enforcing the immigration laws of our nation,” said ICE Dallas Enforcement and Removal Operations Dallas Field Office acting Director Joshua Johnson. “Individuals such as Uqbasilassie Kiflemariam represent a significant threat to public safety in our communities. We will not relent in our efforts to expedite his removal.”